Thursday, May 14, 2015

Nursing Care of Individuals with Yellow Fever

The primary nursing care of individuals with yellow fever is supportive care. The goal is to provide symptomatic relief or life-saving interventions.

According to UpToDate, “supportive care should include maintenance of nutrition, prevention of hypoglycemia, nasogastric suction to prevent gastric distention and aspiration, treatment of hypotension by fluid replacement and vasoactive drugs if necessary, administration of oxygen, management of metabolic acidosis, treatment of bleeding with fresh-frozen plasma, dialysis if indicated by renal failure, and treatment of secondary infections.” 

Other important parts of supportive care include:
  • Monitoring for fever, dehydration, pain, bleeding, restlessness, and other infections such as malaria or a bacterial infection
  • Administering fluids, analgesics, and antipyretics
  • Encouraging rest
  • Treating the patient’s clinical signs with available drugs and therapies
Recommended drugs or therapies for treating
yellow fever and concurrent infections
For feverGive paracetamol
For dehydrationGive oral rehydration salts
For restlessnessGive diazepam
For malariaGive an antimalarial recommended for your area
For bacterial infectionsGive anti-bacterials recommended for your area

During this time, it would also be important for the nurse to:
  • Question patients with suspicious symptoms about recent travel 
  • Report yellow fever to the Public Health Department


Gershman, M. D., Staples, J. E. (2013). CDC health information for International travel – yellow fever. Retrieved from

Monath, T. P. (2015). Yellow fever. UpToDate. Retrieved from

Sheff, B. (2005). Microbe of the month: Yellow fever. Nursing, 35(7), 75.

World Health Organization. (n.d.). District guidelines for yellow fever surveillance. Retrieved from:


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